1996, 39 pages, 12"h x 6.5"w
Poem by Kimberly Lyons
Images, designed and printed by Ed Epping
Perfect binding by Jill Jevne
Hewitt Packard 1200 C/PS on
Rives Heavyweight
published by Granary Books
Hardbound, first printing of 150 signed copies
"Mettle is long, thirty six part poem by Kimberly Lyons with images by Ed Epping. Mr. Epping, who has written on the problem of books with formats disconnected from their content, designed and printed the book with electronic media. The non-tactile nature of digital printing seems contrary to, but works quite well with, the book's pages of heavy paper, bound in stiff end papers and raw boards. The poem appears to be printed in a shade less than 100 percent, causing the letters to sit both in and on the page. Mr. Epping's images of the body, bones, and heteronyms like "subject/object" are similarly immagerial and collage-like, mingling harmoniously with Ms. Lyons's texts: "to the unaided eye/ depression is a melange/ of incongruous elements/ black andradite garnet, pale yellow,/ the world becomes a giant/ enveloping substance/ ray in the stele/ tongue" The type and images were created primarily on the Mac. Very provocative writing from the author of Abracadabra." (Granary 2000).